Sam Altman on AGI in Davos

Normalizing AI as a tool.

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Far across the not-so-Narrow Sea, in the wintry castle of Klaus Schwab upon the mountains Alps, our prince who once was and is once more, in between selling enterprise software on the one hand and raising oil money on the other (why else do you think tech people go to Davos, duh), reveals to the world:

  1. “But I think AGI will get developed, in the reasonably close-ish future, and it’ll change the world much less than we all think. It’ll change jobs much less than we all think.“ - Youtube

  2. “GPT-4 is best understood as a preview… progress here is not linear… what does it mean if GPT-5 is as much better than GPT-4 as 4 was to 3, and 6 is to 5“ - Youtube

Those two statements of course, are not contradictory at all, are they? Wait, did he say “6 IS to 5“, “IS“? As in present tense? As in a product that exists?

Anyway, most of the interview was spent normalizing AI as a tool, vs AI as Machine God. Well, we do hope it is a very useful tool (so do those enterprise software buyers).

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